Campaign Aims to Boost National Reputation

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The University of Toledo expanded its reputation-building marketing campaign this year. The ongoing campaign features distinctive University programs, innovative faculty research, and other notable achievements and initiatives to raise the national prominence of our public research university.

To date, the 2019-20 campaign has highlighted UToledo’s expertise in water quality research, our ongoing work in developing sustainable and renewable energy technologies, and the University’s advocacy for social justice, particularly our fight against human trafficking.

The integrated campaign includes monthly features shared from October through April distributed via direct mail printed postcards as well as an interactive website that highlights multimedia content.

Among higher education leaders nationally, our reputation building emails average a 28.6% open rate. The reputation campaign content is also shared via email to alumni and donors, where it averages an open rate of 11%.

In paid advertisements with the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed, UToledo is reaching even more industry leaders to tell the UToledo story. The Chronicle has nearly 270,000 readers every week in print and 2.1 million monthly web visitors, and Inside Higher Ed has 2.25 million monthly readers.

Ads in two issues of the Chronicle’s Academe Today newsletter this fall reached more than 70,000 readers each and another in the Afternoon Update reached nearly 24,000. We also placed full-page print ads in two issues of the paper this fall. Through half the campaign, display ads on have so far received more than 225,000 impressions. UToledo also placed several series of ads in Inside Higher Ed’s Daily News Update newsletter with each weekly campaign reaching about 190,000 total unique opens.

Check out the UToledo reputation campaign at