Photographer Named Supervisor of the Year


University Photographer Daniel Miller was the inaugural recipient of the Supervisor of the Year Award during a virtual award ceremony in April hosted by Career Services.

“The impact Dan has had on my work life, academic life and personal life is astounding. I look forward to coming to work in the morning before my classes I am taking, and if I need advice, I know I can always go to him,” Jessica Jacobs, photography assistant in University Marketing and Communications, wrote in her nomination.

“Dan’s greatest characteristics are patience, relevant advice, and passion for their job,” Jacobs, a sophomore majoring in respiratory care, wrote. “Whenever I come to him about a problem, work or otherwise, he always listens to me closely and gives me advice to better the situation. I am grateful that not only I have an understanding boss, but a great mentor in work and in life.”

Student employees had expressed an interest to honor their good bosses and Career Services was happy to honor that request.

“I love working with students because I have the chance to positively impact their lives by not only teaching, but advising,” Miller said.